The Sanctification of economic misery.

The Ukrainian war has led to some very disastrous effects on the global economy and more pertinently on the USA and Europe. Having initiated the decisions which led up to the war in Ukraine, The West then laid sanctions against Russia and Belorussia, sanctions which had no legal backing however flimsy. The emasculated United Nations like the Papacy, trotted obediently behind them, never condemning or arguing against the illegally applied sanctions. No trade with Russia, seizure of all Russian assets in western nations and an attempt to force Russia to default on payments to its creditors was their agenda, put fully into operation.

"...something they had not experienced in the main since the end of the Second World War.

What actually did the west achieve? The first most obvious sign was the marked increase in the price of oil and gas, energy which Europe and parts of world depended upon to function normally. This had the immediate effect of making most company’s unviable financially as their costs rose and their products became both uncompetitive and priced beyond the realm of all but the wealthiest consumer. Any grower of agricultural products had to contend with fertilizer shortages and vastly hiked costs. For the everyday consumer, prices shot up for basic necessities and the cost of electricity, gas and fuel skyrocketed as well. Their lives became a daily battle to survive let alone continue, something they had not experienced in the main since the end of the Second World War. Many lost their incomes as companies went to the wall causing a further downward spiral in living standard and health. In the United Kingdom, people asking for help with sustenance stopped taking rice and potatoes from the food banks(over 2000 now as to around 30 at the height of the covid related lockdowns) as they could no longer afford to cook them. UNICEF has for the first time in its history had to start feeding children in Britain. Citizens of the EU are battling to stay afloat with the vast increase in prices brought about by the west`s sanctions against Russia. The USA has a vast, poverty stricken underclass with one in five people dependant on food stamps and the situation gets worst daily as more people join the unemployed.

The global economy contrary to the completely fictitious utterances from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund has spiralled downward with only Russia, China, India and few others bucking the trend. As was most aptly put long ago “most people live lives of quiet desperation” has been translated into reality for countless millions more today. Daily survival went from being a “3rd world” reality to “1st world” one with many joining the ranks of the underclass through no fault of their own. The insanity of green taxes to reduce carbon emissions just added to the woe. (They are depending on your stance OK during normal economic times but an added layer of disaster during bad ones.) But still the West having stolen 7 billion dollars of Afghanistan’s assets held for security by them (leaving millions of Afghan`s to starve and do without vital medical supplies) went on to seize Russian assets held legally in the west, mainly to facilitate ease of doing business. When Russia quite rightly objected to this illegal seizure and freezing of its assets and countered by demanding all payments to be made in Roubles or Gold, not western currencies, the west howled in indignation and increased the scope of the sanctions, to no avail. After the inane proclamations of Ursula von Leyden, the EU`s President and the Nazi President of Germany, Otto Scholtz, the completely mad utterances of president Biden, his secretary of state and of course, the United Kingdom’s most famous idiot, Boris Johnson, they were all forced to do an about face. The US buys oil and gas from Russia via 3rd parties China, Germany now pays for gas and other goods in Roubles supplying Poland at an increased cost. The most vocal among western leaders against Russia have had to about face and pay in Roubles with China joining in by no longer using US dollars but preferring to trade in its own currency and accepting for the most part, their partners in business`s own currency like Indian Rupees and Russian Rubbles.

The west especially America continues printing money with nothing to back it and expects everyone to accept these worthless baubles. By doing so, they increase the rate of inflation dramatically, further undermining the currency’s value. They opine and talk endlessly about further growth as if it’s a reality, talk based on worthless unsubstantiated facts they pluck from thin air or their own grandiose delusions. At no point do they come out with financial and economic data that can be independently verified and stand scrutiny. When questioned, they either refuse to answer directly or bluster and threaten in order to force those asking these uncomfortable questions to submit to their made up version of the facts. At no point do they agree to answer honestly and openly.

"... plunder Syria`s oil wealth as if that will keep the wolves from the door......

Like all collapsing empires built on greed, treachery and deceit, they slip further into tyranny being unable to accept that “plus ca change” is the order of the universe, vainly hoping to cling to their former days of glory. (It is apparent that their grasp of history let alone its understanding is minimal at best). They clutch at straws using vassal states like the Neo Nazi Israeli’s to plunder Syria`s oil wealth as if that will keep the wolves from the door. They even accepted Venezuela’s President Maduro as the legitimate leader (as opposed to the patsy they wanted to install) in order to be able to buy oil from the country they had strived to undermine and then loot.

"..The touted superiority of western technology no longer applies bar a few areas...

And all of this came to a head when they tried to take on Russia because for the first time since WW2, they faced an “enemy” who could not only stand up to them but even destroy them. Russia like China does not depend on the West for resources or money and both have reached the stage of not being more than minimally inconvenienced by the withholding of technological advances. The touted superiority of western technology no longer applies bar a few areas which are rapidly being equalled by Russia and China contrary to the so called “expert” opinions touted by the west.

The BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are now being openly asked by countries like Indonesia(11th Largest economy in the world), Argentina and others if they can join and the China Silk Road initiative is proving not only popular and aiding economically to Asian countries but has countries like Turkey and Iran wanting to join,. (Western media and officials will tell you otherwise but once again, they disabuse the truth.)

The price of cooking oil, wheat and corn shot up as Russia produces 19% of the world`s wheat with Ukraine (now not exporting anything) accounting for 9% of wheat,4% of the global maize (corn) and 73% of Sunflower oil anually combined. Again with disastrous consequences for the average person, no matter where on the globe they reside. And for what? Because the USA/UK/EU/Japan and lapdogs like Australia and New Zealand want to loot and rape Russia`s resources and then start doing the same to China. No way José! They seriously underestimated Russia`s will to survive, free and unfettered by Western imposed constraints. So the USA led attack on Russia, at first via Ukraine and then openly with sanctions and implied threats of war has only brought about misery to countless millions of innocent people on the earth and more dramatically on their own populations. The effect on Russia has been minimal with the value of Russia`s currency, the Rouble, skyrocketing and their income dramatically increasing as the price of oil, Gas and Fertilizer increase even though they are now supplying less due to the sanctions imposed on them. And still the citizens of the west seem unable to grasp the reality of the situation, that they are being misled and starved by their own leaders. At what point will the truth sink in? Most of them are completely out of their depth when the prospect of economic hardship falls upon them let alone the continuing debasement of their inalienable, fundamental human rights.

The west has dramatically shown its true colours to the entire world with only 45 nations out of 190+ who supported the sanctions against Russia actually applying them. Add to this the main protagonists in the west, the USA, the UK, Germany and others backtracking and having to buy Russian goods at inflated prices through 3rd parties (making a very good and welcome profit on the deals) or pay in Roubles. The majority of nations in the world side with Russia as they too have had enough of the depraved hegemonic agenda of the United States and its western poodles which has led to continuous suffering for far too long. The world should thank Russia for bringing this to a head and ushering in a new, multipolar world which allows for growth and prosperity for everyone, not just the chosen few residing in the tyrannical west. No longer is the world surviving on crumbs falling from the dining table of the west but a real ray of hope is now shining brightly in the darkness to which they were subjected for so long.
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