Lies, Lies and more Damned Lies.

Since the onset of a now 2 decade’s old crisis in Ukraine, the media in Western nations alongside its Social Media platforms have consistently disseminated a completely false narrative regarding it. Through a carefully and painstakingly erected tissue of lies, they have misled the public in their nations (and to a large extent worldwide) with the version of the facts they chose to represent .That is why overwhelming support was garnered from the public in their nations (and to a large extent worldwide) with the version of the facts they chose to represent. That is why overwhelming support was garnered from the public in these nations when it was decided to illegally apply sanctions against Russia and start confiscating and seizing(again illegally) the assets (companies, land, bank accounts)of not only Russian Government owned resources but also of any Russian citizen which were located in these countries(USA, UK, EU, Japan etc.). It is not legal to blame a citizen of a country for its governor’s actions and apply constraints to them. International law as well as the Universal Charter of Human Rights directly forbids this and all nations globally are signatories of these legal enactments. So much for the nations of the West fulfilling their agreed legal obligations. They have shown quite unequivocally that whatever they sign or say, they will happily break their word when it suits them to do so, irrelevant of the fact that these legal agreement are binding until via thorough consultation, with all the parties concerned, changes are agreed and implemented. So it has become clear that Western nations are not safe havens in which to locate assets of any kind as no longer are they secured under law if on a whim, the West decides to loot/or seize them. So much for inward investment to encourage economic growth and stock market trading to allow companies to invest in R+D and expansion. No investor in their right mind would touch any financial instrument in the West with a bargepole.

"...NATO would not expand eastwards to threaten Russia`s sovereign security by including states

Let us delineate this constructed tissue of lies and half-truths. The original Orange Revolution of 2004 was only the precursor for the regime change construed by the West and NATO. It was agreed by NATO and the West (USA and UK/EU specifically) that NATO would not expand eastwards to threaten Russia`s sovereign security by including states bordering it like Ukraine or Georgia. The Georgian crisis was purely due to NATO`s open backing of Georgia`s incursion into the Russian territory of South Ossetia. Again the western media portrayed this as a ‘Russian’ Invasion when what actually occurred was Russian forces reacting to the murder and destruction of Russian speaking people and property in a country whose sovereign integrity had been forcibly invaded by Georgian troops with the open approval of the West and NATO, The mainstream media openly carried false reports of inhumane atrocities by the Russian military when the exact opposite was verifiably true.

In 2014, The Maiden Revolution took place in Kiev, Ukraine resulting in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Yanukovitch, supposedly by the will of the people when a recount was ordered to satisfy the protestors. A cursory examination of the facts shows this to be untrue. With Victorian Nuland and Senator John McCain taking to the stage in front of the protesters and egging them on, to the open strutting of bands of Neo Nazi thugs intimidating those members of the public unhappy with the outbreak of violent disorder, the West painted a picture very far from the truth. This was an organised regime change which was not supported by the majority of Ukrainians who were not consulted, included or asked for their opinions in anyway. The deaths due to shooting have not been verifiably explained and with the burning alive in Odessa of people against the Maiden debacle, the perpetrators have never faced justice. The Western media carried a totally untrue version of these events and purposefully eliminated the true facts from their reporting.

When the attacks against the civilian population of Eastern Ukraine commenced a few days after the announcement of the new Ukrainian Government of the removal of the Russian language as one of Ukraine’s official languages, the media made no mention of the genocide being carried out against the Russian speaking citizens by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and their Nazi cohorts like the Azov Battalion. Instead they justified these actions as legitimate calling the citizens of Eastern Ukraine (collectively known as the Donbass) ‘separatists’ and ‘terrorists’ who were fighting the legitimate (in their eyes) government in Kiev. For the 8 following years, no mention was made by the Western propaganda machine in the media of 14,000+ people who had been exterminated because their only crime was to speak Russian as their first language. No mention of the depraved actions of Ukrainian armed forced shelling schools and kindergartens, killing children and raping, torturing and destroying lives and property. Only that it justified and endorsed with the seal of approvals by NATO and the western axis. During all this time, the Ukrainians consistently refused to stick to the Minsk Agreement they had signed and fully been part to. Russia continuously complained in the United Nations, the European Union and publicly about the endless violations by Ukraine of the agreement to no avail. And all the time, the Ukrainians kept killing the civilians in the Donbas with no mention of this in Western media other than the false justification that Ukraine was putting down ‘separatists’ who threatened the state itself. The dissenting voices telling the truth of the situation were given no airtime and forced to use other non western controlled media to put out the true facts (like VK and Telegram). The downing of a civilian flight by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the famous MH17 Incident was blamed on the Russian speaking citizens of the Donbass and despite fully verifiable evidence to the contrary, was ignored by the Dutch Commission of Enquiry to enable them yet again, to paint a false picture. So the relatives of those innocent passengers killed deliberately by forces under the command of the Ukrainian Government have been left in legal limbo knowing those responsible will never face justice, and they will never have closure.

"...Western media kept up the barrage of justifying lies and miss-information.....

And all the while, the killing continued unabated. With the move by Ukraine to not only join the European Union but become a fully fledged member of NATO, Russia had had enough! The slaughter of 14,000+ civilians was going to become a systematic genocide with the massing of Ukrainian troops on the demarcation lines of the territory under the control of the Russian speaking population of the Donbass. No matter how many times Russia objected, complained or insisted the Minsk Agreement was honoured and kept to by the Ukrainian government and their armed forces, the West ignored Russia’s legitimate complaints and backed the now, mainly fascist led government of Ukraine and knowingly colluded with them. Western media kept up the barrage of justifying lies and miss-information so they could mislead their public (electorate) into agreeing and following the narrative presented to them.

" called “neutral” Switzerland had to backtrack after seizing Russian assets....

When Russia finally had stopped trying to talk sense to the West, they “invaded” Ukraine according to Western media. Contrary to the West`s systematic lies about the Russian operation in Ukraine, the truth started to emerge no matter how hard the West tried to prevent it. The video evidence often taken the Ukrainian Nazi thugs themselves in order to show their unspeakable atrocities, flooded social media globally and was impossible for the west to fully counter though that did not stop them from trying to do so. The independent journalists on the ground from the USA, France and other nations consistently aired video and article showing the truth of the situation, much to the chagrin of western media. Social Media was forced (minimally) to allow some of the well known and massively followed independent voices like Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) and George Galloway @georgegalloway ) to voice the facts on Twitter among others. The Russian Government’s demand to have all business dealing(especially Oil, Gas and Fertilizer) paid in Roubles only, forced the EU and other countries to backtrack as their shelves in supermarkets emptied, the cost of fuel and electricity rose astronomically and their industries where starting to collapse. Contrary to the western media’s claim that Russia was broke, the truth was that there was no point in Russia excepting US Dollars, Euros or Pounds Sterling as payment since they were worthless (with no substantive backing) and the West had frozen and illegally seized Russian assets held in the west. Even so called “neutral” Switzerland had to backtrack after seizing Russian assets held in their country (again with not a shred of legal backing) and unfreeze them.

Meanwhile, the west`s propaganda machine rolled on, only muting their tissue of lies somewhat as it became apparent to even the most simple minded observer that not only was Ukraine losing the War but that the atrocities purportedly carried out by Russian troops were in fact being orchestrated and committed by the Ukrainian troops themselves(Bucha).The collapse and surrender of the Azov Battalion in the Azovstal Steel Works in Mariupol led to the irrefutable fact that senior NATO, Canadian, US, French and British military and bio-weapon instructors had deliberately against all legal protocols, been leading, planning and orchestrating the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians . When the news of the USA`s secret Bio-Labs in Ukraine emerged, the western media again tried to refute and downplay the seriousness of the matter. These Bio-Labs were experimenting and producing Bio-weapons like smallpox, cholera, covid (SARS derived diseases) among others, all made extremely virulent and toxic, against all conventions, agreed and signed by the Western Bloc. And during all of this, the United Nations refused to condemn the west brazen violations of International Law and signed agreements and conventions preferring like Papal Rome, to bluster and blame Russia. The USA just sent more weapons and aid to the Nazi led Ukrainian Government encouraging them to continue their depraved acts against all Russian language speakers in Ukraine with the open approval of the United Kingdom, Japan, The European Union and others who’s unreal and unjustified hate rate of Russian speakers goes on endlessly.

To what avail is all this vitriol poured endlessly into the minds of the public in the west and those countries who follow their lead, either because they agree with the west’s stance or are cowed by the thought of a cut of funds supplied or the very real possibility of a US instigated regime change under the guise of bringing democracy to their countries. Apart from a generalised World War which has the real possibility of degeneration into Nuclear Armageddon, there is no way that the western nations can break Russia`s resolve or for that matter, China or India`s. The west is bankrupt, not just financially but morally as well, as their complete disdain for Human Rights globally has shown in South America (Nicaragua, Venezuela etc.), the Middle East (Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Iraq), Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger etc.) and other parts of the globe including Eastern Europe (Ukraine etc.). They are openly applying the same treatment to their own people in the race for profit at any cost. The continued charade of “west is best” is constantly re-iterated even though the illusion no longer holds water and is threadbare. What will the outcome of all these lies and untruths are? Given their past and continuing performance, the West is faced with only 2 possible outcomes. Accept their decline gracefully and work towards a more inclusive world or go for broke and face the very real possibility of total annihilation. Given the western media`s on-going penchant for lies and misinformation, we can only hope that sanity will prevail and that the latter option is not the one they elect to choose.

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