The entire globe, whether educated, informed or having the ability to access data and information through whatever medium, about culture, science, quality of life and other issues, has been led to believe for at least a century (more in many cases) that ‘western’ values equal superior everything. By everything, it includes codes of behaviour, laws and of course, ethics and morality. The mass of the global population including those in western nations, were either too desperate to survive and proceed towards a better future or so beaten down by decades and centuries of enforced subjugation (many were either enslaved or treated no better than if they were slaves) that any form of opposition other than vocal, artistic or literate was minimal and only just tolerated ( as an outlet for pent up anger, much like sports are today). The ‘tolerance’ stance was not only that of those holding the reins of power, it was also from those among the oppressed who did not want to shake the boat and possibly lose what little they had or more importantly, that they perceived they had. Since the birth of Advertising was a western orchestrated phenomena, aimed at subjugating their own population first and foremost to the mores of ‘acceptable’ social behaviour and the ‘purchasing’ of everything, much of what was being desired, chased and sweated for was not a personal desire but more of an implanted notion of what was needed to belong, to be accepted and therefore prosper. Perfectly understandable and …. Well, to what end? Yes, the quality as well as length of life of many of the average citizens of the west increased and expanded overall but the sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and peace became less and the process speeded up as time progressed. People became obsessed with ‘more’ of whatever they felt they needed in order to have a sense of fulfilment, even though it was transient and needed to be constantly reaffirmed. The rat race began in earnest with what had passed for it before being more of a race for survival by obtaining the basic needs necessary to sustain life as opposed to the constant need to increase assets by increasing income, which has the added bonus of inflation so requiring an increasing income just to stand still and maintain the status quo.
It would have been all to the good, if that was what you wanted, if this enforced malfunction in the reasoning and functioning of societies remained only in the western nations, the so called ‘1st World’. However it was gleefully exported and implemented globally (with a few exceptions) often with a ‘modicum’ of ‘enforcement’ and is the reason we are in the social, legal, moral and financial quagmire we inhabit today. Every nation has the right to follow certain patterns of cultural, religious and legal variations on the theme that we all to a degree hold as correct and the ‘right one’ for societies to flourish. That is not the case for most nations globally as they follow the externally implemented model of democracy and capitalism, one that purposely benefits the implementer and not the implemented. They do not get to determine their own paths forward in all respects as the economic / financial underpinning of their ‘independent’ economies is manipulated and controlled to a large degree by the Western predominantly ‘white’ nations through the use of the IMF, the World Bank, the Stock Markets (chiefly Wall Street and London) and access to Financial instruments that allow them to sell, buy and obtain goods, services and other items they require or want. Additionally, the access to technology and expertise is expensive and difficult to obtain with the sub standard education systems that the west carefully nurtured in most of the globe. Home grown innovation is minimal due to lack of resources and skilled manpower so constantly reinforcing reliance on western supplies. This has been fine tuned over centuries by the West so that now, few nations globally are solvent, most being permanently in debt. This debt is not one that can be paid off as the interest alone consumes more than 40% of these nations income. The increasing number of countries with large percentages of the population being under the age of 25 is leading to growing frustration, disillusion and detachment from society and as has been noted by many eminent authorities, will lead to increasing violence and social breakdown. The constant inflow of illegal migrants (those without paperwork or permission to enter) into the EU, the UK and the USA is testament to the fact that endemic poverty is growing globally with little being done to alleviate it or reverse the trend.
With the western nations showing complete disregard for the Human Rights of all other races in the world and an openly hostile attitude to anything that challenges their supremacy in all matters, what does the future hold for those wishing to improve themselves and their people other than endless conflict, constant hunger, dropping living standards and death? The Ukrainian War showed quite openly that the USA and its vassal western states want to loot Russia of its untapped resources like they did (and to a large extent still do) with the colonies they ruled by enforced subjugation since they demand the right to oblige all nations to implement their western structures and rules, something Russia, China, Iran and now others like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Brazil and others refuse to do. Israel and Gaza yet again show how the West regards those who are in their way with the inhumane treatment carried out by the Israelis on the civilian population of Gaza carrying little or no Media coverage in the West while Hamas’s correspondingly inhumane treatment of Israeli civilians has grabbed extensive media coverage and filling it with headline grabbing misinformation carried out supposedly by the Palestinians. It should be noted that there are major Gas fields off Gaza (therefore belonging to Palestine) and Vast Oil reserves under the Golan Heights (stolen from Syria) though the amounts quoted are too ‘insubstantial’ if you accept the ‘official’ figures given for war to be waged. The question of why the War in Ukraine is taking so long is seldom answered with ‘it is inhumane to follow the western example of how to wage war‘ but rather with inanities about Russia being weak or divided, a failed state or economically deficient. The West succeeded in Syria, Iraq, Haiti, Serbia and the other 50+ conflicts they have engaged in since WW2 by completely annihilating the ‘enemy’ irrelevant of the number of innocent civilians who perished and the devastating infrastructural havoc they wrecked. Unabated carpet bombing was the method with 7+ days being frequently employed. It should be noted that these wars were all to implement ‘regime change’ so that the ‘rulers’ were compliant with western demands and toed the line as the countries attacked had ‘erroneously ‘voted for leaders who would have cared for their people first and foremost, not western multinationals and conglomerates.
The West and the founders of its ‘civilization’ and ‘culture’ are the fundamental reasons for its success in encompassing the globe almost entirely and strongly ‘influencing’ by means of coercion in all spheres including brute force war, those nations who do not adhere to the ‘Rules Based Order’ imposed by them. The much touted Western Supremacy in all matters is not based soley on intellectual prowess, advanced technology and superior production but like all these matters, requires the financial input on a constant basis to allow the necessary time to elapse to think, experiment and produce while still maintaining everyday life. This was relayed as being due to the overall efficiency and constantly evolving improvements due to western ability. Partially true. At the start, it was due to the constant supply of very, very cheap raw materials, foodstuffs, precious minerals etc. and labour in the form of slaves or excessively low wage earners in large numbers ( many were semi indentured by ‘owing the company store’). Once the industrial revolution took hold, it did produce substantial amounts of revenue but it was still underpinned by cheap resources and labour. Today, the inherently unfair business practices employed by multinationals, conglomerates and western governments using all the tools at their disposal has until recently given them the illusion of being the most able and successful nations in terms of GDP, standards of living, lifespans and human rights. This is being discounted piece by piece as the GDP figures have shown with a re-appraisal of the way they are calculated showing China’s place is the first with other nations like Russia overtaking most of the globe, something the IMF and EU Central Bank confirmed belatedly. China’s modern cities are a look into the future with astonishingly sci-fi technology being almost commonplace and Russia, Iran and other nations following suit according to need and viability. Technology in many realms is no longer a western led domain with China proving its ability in advanced Chip manufacture as well as catching up to the semi conductor industry. Russia proved its prowess in military technology overtaking the west with ‘working’ hypersonic missiles (something China, Iran, the DPRK and possibly other non western nations also employ) and far more resilient arms overall as the Ukraine Crisis has proved. India and China have shown remarkable ability in their forays into Space exploration through in-house technology and are proving a headache for the USA and the West in the race for Mars, the Moon (bases) and other astral bodies. Immediately, up comes they built their technology on the knowledge stolen from the West. The West built its technology on the ideas ‘stolen’ from history, the East or any source available and financed it on the back of the rest of the globe. It is no longer a questionable fact that a major amount of the west’s advances in technology from gunpowder, printing, warfare, money(finance) and on came from the East, more specifically China. The West improved, adapted and advanced the technology and put it to use, most often to produce profit on a larger scale than at its inception in its country of origin or creation, bringing in economies of scale to bear. The driving force behind the adapted technology and ideas or concepts that Western nations drew upon (for throughout history, “we have all stood on the shoulders of others’) was profit, be it through increased production and thus income from business, unrivalled excellence or expanded conquest and subjugation in order to obtain larger supplies of the materials needed.
To what end is this profit being garnered? It is certainly not for the mass of the population in Western nations as their quality of life and standards of living have slipped to lows approaching the Great Depression of the 30’s. I do not include the rest of the globe as their only role is to provide the goods, raw materials and services needed for production and then to purchase the products produced. Other than that, their misery and continuous social, political and economic turmoil is not of consequence to the West and has the added benefit of keeping costs like wages and social benefits (basically health and safety, insurance, liability) down. The winners are now clearly a small percentage of the population of the globe with such absolute control over the administration that the stranglehold put in place prevents any hope of improvement for the gross majority. The economic prowess of the Western nations is seen to be hollow, and only kept afloat by unfair business practices, something the multipolar world would change and make more equitable so everyone prospers. This has brought us to the very edge of WW3 or the nuclear confrontation.
The Western model of a ‘World Order’ has been challenged and the question we all ask is whether or not they will be crazed enough by the loss of their pre-eminence to assist in our suicidal drive to return to the ‘stone age’ by overriding any form of moral compass that we all apparently adhere to as a species (at least that is what we are led to believe). The increasing depravity of the global geo-political morass as well as the carefully chronicled history of Western barbarity over millenia is not a positive indication of what lies ahead. Western culture can no longer hide its true nature and has forced us to the tipping point of no return.
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