We endlessly spout on about how free we are compared to x, y, z and always relate to given time periods in history to exemplify how much more of this ideal of liberty we have in ‘our’ lives today. We have to define what that freedom entails and how we are empowered by it in all the factors that affect our daily existence. Obviously the same is true for the curtailment of these supposed rights, not all of whom are fully covered legally in ways that are beneficial to each of us personally. In examining the whole issue in greater depth, we came to some rather contrary conclusions to the prevailing accepted view whose constant reaffirmation underpins its continuity. Never except in War and even then usually not officially, is carte blanche given to the population of any nation with regard to personal rights. There are always limitations placed upon them often with good reasons for their inclusion, but also often to limit the scope of that right spilling over and affecting other rights and so increasing their scope too. The whole concept of what we are entitled to be is carefully controlled so as to maintain the status quo and ensures that those holding the reins of power do not lose control. This is definitely not to our advantage either in the short, medium or long term as it denies us the ability to fully explore alternatives that could benefit humanity greatly.
. Yes there have to be the usual strictures in place regarding murder, fraud etc. but those apart; we are constrained to a very large degree, which impacts negatively on our daily lives and our evolutionary path by slowing all change to a crawl. Every media outlet no matter what the medium (text, video, audio etc.)reinforces this delusory state of ‘look how far we’ve come’ while omitting the fact that we are being held back purposefully so that the agendas of those holding the reins of power either elected or pulling the strings behind the scenes, can be played out to our disadvantage. Let us be candid, this system benefits very, very few people out of the global population and that certainly includes within that the mass, the populace in the so called democratic first world nations. The constant struggle to survive has not gone away as we were led to believe when we were told that modern life will ‘make our lives easier’, more time would be used for relaxation, time for family life would increase and that quality of life would be noticeably improved. All that was required was that the majority (hopefully all) of the population adhered to the basic Laws and Codes of Conduct. Yes it all went on but mostly undercover to preserve the illusion that all was well in society. No, they followed the rules but the Promised Land never materialised. Unbeknown to most people was the reality of the nasty, brutal cut throat business of Government once the businesses and corporations gained both financial power and the ability to gain access to decision makers. Through our supposed recorded history (most often it is the version recorded by the victors so it omits all the real data) the disabuse of the population in any nation has continued unabated as various interest groups subverted the process of rule for their own pecuniary advantage by holding those in power to ransom (with the threat of force or civil unrest) or by their control over the supply of goods and money in large quantities.
This is why we still today do not have a true and valid freedom where no matter what your particular opinion or take on any matter, you are able to express it fully as long as it does not violate any one else’s rights. “We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that we used to create them.” – Albert Einstein. This is unfortunately the way humankind has problem solved for millennia which is why we continue to circle endlessly without stepping out of the constraints of our limitations, limitations which have been imposed on us by force or the implied threat of its use. We have accepted these limits because we are constantly told that without them, we will revert to savagery and barbarism, something that has not been the case bar a few notable exceptions throughout history. This has been reiterated by whoever was put into or seized power so as to prevent us from questioning the status quo at the time because otherwise we might have seen the truth of the matter and decided to remove those holding the reins.
What does our ‘freedom’ actually mean in reality? Let us start with the most basic of freedoms, the right to self-expression. No one unless for religious or spurious moral/ethical reasons can truly say that they object to consenting adults doing whatever they agree to with each other (preferably and often where legally necessary, in private). The whole paradigm with regard to personal freedom has changed in so many areas where the ‘accepted’ rules were removed both legally and in the public forums, whatever form those came in. It occurred in the financial sphere with the inception of digital currencies and the planned phasing out of cash so giving total control to financial institutions ( to Governments?) over our personal financial ‘freedom’ and the enforced green agenda rules regarding energy, production etc. with ever increasing amounts of data and adherence being required by law. Morally, on a very personal level, a corner was turned with the issues of LGBT and gender and the discourse on pedophilia gaining mainstream airtime, openly being included in educational facilities at all levels and the constant blurring of what is legally permissible or not (Spain making zoophilia legal). The news regarding Bio Labs formulating extremely toxic and contagious pathogens in violation of signed and sealed International Agreements and no clear data regarding the destruction/safekeeping of the manufactured products surfaced with those responsible refusing to acknowledge openly or with clear factual data to explain what had been happening.
The unpleasant and horrific news circulating regarding children being sold for body parts (Adults already being part of the process) and for sale to deviants like Epstein and followers caused very little outcry even when Interpol stated their concerns publicly and were involved in arrests and follow ups (only marginal media coverage was given). There is now open warfare on many city streets where drugs,alcohol,mental issues, poverty and homelessness have led to a breakdown of basic law and order and thus our personal safety in what are parts of our environment, ones we were told were safe, and clean, often ones we enter daily. We are psychologically and emotionally facing and having to embrace, enforced acceptance of openly displayed difference no matter how perverse or quasi legal in our personal space. Whatever one’s beliefs, no one has the right to forcibly make those opposed to them accept them as long as they do not interfere with those who are ‘different’. However, the majority should be able to enjoy public spaces including recreational ones without having to embrace the excesses of the new ‘acceptability rules’.
Do parents still have the right to educate and bring up their children? Countries in the EU, the UK and USA are bringing into Law the ‘gender’ issue and forcing parents to comply with what they teach kindergarten age kids (and upward), whether they agree or not. Sexual education in schools curriculums has begun to be included for those as young as 8 years with very graphic material being used. The fact that parents question and object to this being applied is dismissed out of hand with legal enactments entering into American, Canadian and Australian Law to enforce it. Satanism is now taught in American schools in several States and openly practiced with the accompanying blatant reversal of all we hold true and dear to us in regard to the underpinning belief systems the majority of the world’s population follow. One does not have to be a believer to understand that society as we know it for better or worse has evolved over centuries because certain basic tenets like thou shall not murder or steal were held true and enforced. The scandal ridden health sector with the addition of the Covid vaccine has done little to inspire confidence in our inate right to refuse treatment or comply with draconian measures (still able to be enforced in many countries where the legal framework is still in place like Australia and the United Kingdom assiduously enacting the provisions) which are supposed to protect us but have no substance in independently verifiable facts, which can be cross referenced. Any attempt to counter or demand independent proof is squashed and side-lined with new legal measures being adopted to silence opposition or legitimate demands for data to back up the authorities claims. The denial extends to smearing the problem person or group with false accusations (like Julian Assange accused of rape and now Russel Brand) which are afterwards proven to be entirely false.
At the extreme, we are seeing countries like the Baltic States, Poland, Germany and Ukraine closing down opinion contrary to the one they project if it in any way threatens to expose the true underpinnings of the issue. They are currently being joined by France, the United Kingdom and Australia over the Gaza Israel War among other issues like Russia, China, Ukraine, Covid, economics and the list is endless as the main stream media (MSM) globally bow to the agendas that are in force both internationally and the national ones which they temper to fit. To continue is not fruitless but just rehashing the same point. What will happen to us if these issues cannot be discussed with all relevant data, both pro and anti, available and unhindered? There will no longer be the possibility of discussions resulting in balanced outcomes with all sides at least feeling some if not all their issues have been addressed.
Is this the ‘freedom’ we envisaged? To what degree will we allow it to continue unabated or will it be forcibly instituted against the will of the majority of people ? Many of these newer control measures are designed not for their original purpose of enabling large numbers of people to live in urban communities of all sizes without constant strife but for corporations and governments to gain unending profits (which keep rising) on a captive population who have less and less choice in the matter. The chipping away of our basic freedoms, enshrined in Law both globally and nationally (taking culture and social mores into account) has reached the stage of breaking point. The only question left to answer is, when will the public revolt or will it be impossible to do so because we are living in a Police State or under Martial Law, implemented for the ‘greater good’. If this is the future that awaits us, I for one will not sit idly by watching it approach but leave those societies whose ethos is control no matter what for those who still believe in personal freedom with the cost being personal responsibility for ones actions. The world will divide again into 2 main sides whose benign or malign influence will hold sway in the areas they control.
We are all, against our free will being forced to decide this issue, one on which our moral and ethical compass rests.
What is not written does not exist.
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